Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sorry Kate Moss... aka name drop name drop name drop

So, Sharon had a little run in with Kate Moss while choosing her wedding shoes (Sharon's shoes not Kate's). Evidently Sharon decided against Kate's taste after she was gone... so these are the Christian Louboutins that "Kate Moss didn't quite choose."

We drink champagne in the Oak Room.

Sharon & Darren - NYC Micro Tour Wedding
Katie Dorn and I had the pleasure of photographing this wonderful couple back in March at the Plaza Hotel, the Oak Room, Central park and a few other ultra-excellent locations. We sort of got kicked out of 3 different spots in the Plaza Hotel by three different employees. Honestly, the Plaza staff was completely unclear on their own rules and regulations not to mention our bride and groom made vows to cause trouble together (or something along those lines), so we had to do it ;)